
Creation Date: 02.10.2020

8643 - JSON to XML Response Converter Policy

Tenant admin can convert the response to XML, regardless of the response accept type, with a policy that it can add on the Endpoint definition screen.

  • A feature that Gartner designates as Critical Capabilities for Full Life Cycle API Management has been made available to Airapi users.

8644 - XML to JSON Response Converter Policy

Tenant admin can convert the response to JSON, regardless of the response accept type, with a policy that it can add on the Endpoint definition screen.

  • A feature that Gartner designates as Critical Capabilities for Full Life Cycle API Management has been made available to Airapi users.

13020 - Export / Import of Country Restriction

Country Restriction constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13020 - Export / Import of IP Blacklist

IP Blacklist constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13022 - Export / Import of IP Whitelist

IP Whitelist constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13025 - Export / Import of Global Rate Limit

Global Rate Limit constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13026 - Export / Import of Working Hours

Working Hours constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13027 - Export / Import of Device Threat Protection

Device Threat Protection constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13028 - Export / Import of Google Analytics Configuration

Google Analytics Configuration has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13030 - Export / Import of Global Variables

Global Variables has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13031 - Export / Import of Token Settings

Token Settings has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

13032 - Export / Import of Certificate Validation

PRETA Configuration has been added to the export / import configuration feature.

  • Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.

API Documentation

12980 – Swagger Documentation Policy

With this policy, API definitions prepared for swager documents can be added and updated.

  • A system has been set up where API definitions in Swagger can be managed dynamically.

  • API definitions in Swagger can be added via Management Portal.

  • Infrastructure improvement studies have been carried out for swagger documents containing API definitions.

10426 - Documentation - How to Reject a Payment Initiation Request?

A page has been created on ReadTheDocs that explains how to reject a payment initiation request.

  • How the payment initiation request is rejected is explained.

  • How the requests are responded by the gateway after the rejection.

8703 – Listing and Filtering Existed Tokens

All tokens generated based on the environment can be listed and filtered by tenant admin.

  • Token details can be examined.

  • To revoke and extend actions are available to execute.

WAF Configuration

10644 - WAF and ElasticSearch Integration

The log data created in WAF is kept in ElasticSearch.

  • WAF logs will be kept in ElasticSearch for visualization in Grafana.

10645 - WAF and Grafana Integration

WAF report can be created under favour of WAF and Grafana integration.

  • WAF logs are published with a report created with Grafana.

  • Attacks captured in WAF can be displayed on a graph.

13810 – WAF Rule Sets

Rule sets of WAF Configurations are defined and applied to the entire system.

  • WAF configuration Rulesets have been tested by all product components.

  • WAF configuration Rulesets have been made to work without causing an error.

  • User security has been improved.

12423 - Functional Reviews of apigo.com and apigo.com.tr

Functional test has been executed for product stabilization.

13109 - Text editing on Lending Page

Lending Page Contents have been updated with new version improvements of ApiGo.


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