Creation Date: 02.10.2020
8643 - JSON to XML Response Converter Policy
Tenant admin can convert the response to XML, regardless of the response accept type, with a policy that it can add on the Endpoint definition screen.
A feature that Gartner designates as Critical Capabilities for Full Life Cycle API Management has been made available to Airapi users.
8644 - XML to JSON Response Converter Policy
Tenant admin can convert the response to JSON, regardless of the response accept type, with a policy that it can add on the Endpoint definition screen.
A feature that Gartner designates as Critical Capabilities for Full Life Cycle API Management has been made available to Airapi users.
13020 - Export / Import of Country Restriction
Country Restriction constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13020 - Export / Import of IP Blacklist
IP Blacklist constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13022 - Export / Import of IP Whitelist
IP Whitelist constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13025 - Export / Import of Global Rate Limit
Global Rate Limit constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13026 - Export / Import of Working Hours
Working Hours constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13027 - Export / Import of Device Threat Protection
Device Threat Protection constraint has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13028 - Export / Import of Google Analytics Configuration
Google Analytics Configuration has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13030 - Export / Import of Global Variables
Global Variables has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13031 - Export / Import of Token Settings
Token Settings has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
13032 - Export / Import of Certificate Validation
PRETA Configuration has been added to the export / import configuration feature.
Tenant admin can transfer this feature based on environment.
API Documentation
12980 β Swagger Documentation Policy
With this policy, API definitions prepared for swager documents can be added and updated.
A system has been set up where API definitions in Swagger can be managed dynamically.
API definitions in Swagger can be added via Management Portal.
Infrastructure improvement studies have been carried out for swagger documents containing API definitions.
10426 - Documentation - How to Reject a Payment Initiation Request?
A page has been created on ReadTheDocs that explains how to reject a payment initiation request.
How the payment initiation request is rejected is explained.
How the requests are responded by the gateway after the rejection.
8703 β Listing and Filtering Existed Tokens
All tokens generated based on the environment can be listed and filtered by tenant admin.
Token details can be examined.
To revoke and extend actions are available to execute.
WAF Configuration
10644 - WAF and ElasticSearch Integration
The log data created in WAF is kept in ElasticSearch.
WAF logs will be kept in ElasticSearch for visualization in Grafana.
10645 - WAF and Grafana Integration
WAF report can be created under favour of WAF and Grafana integration.
WAF logs are published with a report created with Grafana.
Attacks captured in WAF can be displayed on a graph.
13810 β WAF Rule Sets
Rule sets of WAF Configurations are defined and applied to the entire system.
WAF configuration Rulesets have been tested by all product components.
WAF configuration Rulesets have been made to work without causing an error.
User security has been improved.
12423 - Functional Reviews of apigo.com and apigo.com.tr
Functional test has been executed for product stabilization.
13109 - Text editing on Lending Page
Lending Page Contents have been updated with new version improvements of ApiGo.
Last updated