Creation Date: 12.04.2021
26066 β Header Transformation Policy
If Allow All Header key No is selected, the Authorization Header is removed when navigating to the target server. Thus, if Authorization is used for its own authorization system on the Target server, there will be no confusion.
25898 β The show advanced settings link has been placed on the Environment screen
Special issues that need to be managed based on the environment will be managed on this page.
The Application generated while creating the environment is displayed on this screen.
25895 β When the new Environment is created, the application is created to be used in the integrations of this environment
When a new environment is created, only an application with the BANK scope is created for this environment. Thus, the applications to be used in corporate integrations are prepared during the environment creation.
Only BANK scope is defined for the created Application.
The application can only create a client credential token.
The application does not appear in the Application list in the respective environment.
25896 β Updating in Customer Validation page
The automatic Application creation mechanism is removed when Bank Login and App-to-App customer verification definition is made. It is displayed by reading from the Application database created within the scope of 25895.
27477 β Reorganization of the Configurations menu, taking into account the user experience
The understandability of the product is increased.
27965 β Making HTML sections of new email designs and making them available in the project
These codes will become available in the product.
27232 β Defining Endpoint with API Key Authentication feature
System administrators can define developer-friendly APIs for simple APIs that do not require much security.
Test Client Management
25910 β Development of the page where Test Client applications are listed
Customers can view and manage the applications they use in test automation.
Test Applications menu was created under Test Automation menu.
These applications are not affiliated with the Developer. Made for the environment.
25917 β Development of Test Client adding and editing screen
Customers can add and edit applications that they can use in test automation.
Defined Client Id and Client Secrets are not created automatically.
The user can complete Client ID and Client Secrets himself.
Application of the same name and Client ID cannot be created in a tenant.
On the identity server, the username and password of the test clients are checked by the entered value. If the value is correct, the token is generated with the Authorization Code for this test client.
BANK Scope is not displayed in the list in the Scope selection field.
Values added in Additional Claims are added to the Token.
Infrastructure Improvements
25902 β An endpoint was developed for traffic logs to be received by institution systems
Customers can pull traffic logs created in their environment using client credential tokens and analyze them on their own systems.
It works with Client Credential.
This Endpoint works only with the Environment application, namely the Bank scope.
Data of other environments cannot be accessed.
Start and end dates can be given from the QueryParameter.
25905 β Adding the time spent in Airapi and the time spent from the destination server to traffic logs
The time spent in the institutionβs backend and Airapi and the time spent during the entire request can be seen.
Register and Login External Users
26340 β Necessary developments for Azure Active Directory Single Sing-on have been completed
Users will be able to log into the product as a Free Trial Offer on Azure Market Place.
16698 β When a new membership is made, sending an information mail to info@airapi.com
Will be informed beforehand about potential customers who are interested in product management products.
28025 β Sending a reminder e-mail for users whose trial period is about to expire
A reminder is provided for users who create an account and then do not take action.
28003 β Reorganization of Airapi Welcome emails with new design
Our customers are contacted with higher UX quality e-mails.
27976 β Renewal of e-mail verification e-mails sent during new membership with a new design
UX quality of the product is increased.
30535 β Test User Management-Development of Test User Update screen
A page is developed on which the test users defined in the system can be edited. Thus, test users can be updated in the system.
30536 β Test User Management-Defining Test Users to the Test client screen
For a test client, necessary work is done to define the test users defined in the system as much as he wants. The purpose here is to define only one test user for a test client before. This will look like the scope selection screen.
27070 β Development of the Best Price request information screen
The Best Price request information page is developed. Thus, the user experience is increased.
30534 β Test User Management - Development of the page where test users are listed
Test users become visible on the product.
27069 β To show a notification screen after the extension request of users who have completed their free trial period.
Thus, the user experience is increased.
GoLive Request
26111 β Creating an information record for the institutionβs notification when the GoLive Request is made
The institution becomes aware that a developer has initiated the GoLive request process.
26110 β Notification by e-mail to the relevant developer when the GoLive Request process is initiated
The developer learns that his request has been received and accesses the upper environment information via e-mail
26082 β Launching a Go Live request from the developer portal
Developers will be able to automatically migrate application definitions and accounts to the production environment.
26109 β Developers can monitor GoLive request status
The developer will be able to follow his request to go live on the portal.
26112 β Transferring the GoLive request, which has been evaluated in internal applications, to Airapi by an endpoint
In the institution workflows, the request status that has completed its life cycle is transferred to ApiGo.
26073 β Activating the Go Live Request Workflow process
The needs of customers who want to link production access to an approval mechanism have been met.
26077 β Removing the Add Application feature in the production environment Developer Portal of the institution with the Go Live Request active
A user who is signed in to the developer portal cannot confuse by creating a new application.
26076 β Removal of the sign-up feature of the production environment of institutions where Go Live Request has been activated
Developers are prevented from confusing by starting membership in the production environment.
Test Client Management
27428 β Returning Test Client List EndPoint Development
Developers are prevented from confusing by starting membership in the production environment.
It works as a GET method.
Working with BANK scope, the integration can be called with the application, it cannot be accessed with other applications.
27427 β Writing a REST service to change the username and password of Test Client applications
Will be able to remotely manage the constantly changing username, passwords, and Claims values of test client applications.
27635 β Elimination of additional requests arising in Traffic Log integration
Missing issues in Traffic Log integration have been completed.
Swager Documentation & Sample Code Generators
24067 β Development of the Swagger documentation manager page
Users will be able to create their documents with the world standard swagger YAML.
The document is saved on a tenant basis.
The screen can be made fullscreen.
25928 β Removing the Swagger Documentation Policy from the policy list
The swagger documentation will be done on a tenant basis with the swagger editor. For this reason, the Swagger Policy previously used has been removed from the list.
25946 β Establishing the structure that generates swagger UI for the relevant tenant using swagger YAML registry
API documentation produced in the swagger editor of the product can be created.
Improve Users Experiences Design
28795 β Margin for the error message on Register, Login, and Forgot Password screens
A 12px margin is given between inputs and error messages on Login, Register, and Forget Password screens. Thus, the application UX quality is increased.
28806 β Margining between the elements used in the environment page
A margin is given on the Environment page. Thus, UX quality is increased.
28815 β Application of new design on Customer Validation screen
It is rearranged with a new design on the Customer Validation screen. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29112 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Appearance page according to the new design
It requires the necessary work to be done to convert the Developer Portal Settings structure to the tab page structure. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29514 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Api Product definition and update page according to the new design
The new tab of Api Product adding and updating screen is rearranged according to the design.
29505 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Api Product Listing page according to the new design
The API Product listing page is reorganized according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29114 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Swiper Listing page according to the new design
Home Swiper listing page is reorganized according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29116 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Swiper definition and update page according to new design
Swiper Detail Page is reorganized according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29500 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Home Cards Listing page according to the new design
The Home Card listing page is rearranged according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29501 β Rearranging the Developer Portal Settings-Home Card definition and update page according to the new design
Home Card adding and updating screen is rearranged according to the new tabbed design.
29595 β Rearrangement of the Developer Portal Settings-Menu Listing page according to the new design
The Home Menu listing page is reorganized according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29597 β Rearrangement of the Developer Portal Settings-Social Settings Listing page according to the new design
Developer Portal Settings are organized according to the new design of the Social Login Settings page. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29599 β Rearrangement of Developer Portal Social account management detail pages according to the new design
Developer Portal Social account management detail pages are rearranged according to the new design. Thus, the product UX integrity is ensured.
29596 βRearrangement of the Developer Portal Menu definition and update page according to the new design
Menu explanation and update screen is rearranged according to the new design.
Api Key Authentication
27236 βAutomatic generation of Api Key Code during application creation and display on definition screens
When a new application is created through the developer portal, the API Key value is automatically generated for this application. Thus, developers will be able to access API Key Authorization Endpoints.
27234 βEasy copying of Api Key Authorization value from developer portal
The necessary development is made so that the Api Key Authorization value can be easily copied from the developer portal. Thus, developer comfort is provided.
27237 βMaking necessary improvements to be able to access via Gateway with Api Key
Necessary improvements are made in order to gain access via Gateway with Api Key. Thus, a new feature is given to the product.
27233 βLogging EndPoint traffic accessed with API Key Authentication
Necessary development is made to save the Endpoint traffic accessed with API Key Authentication. Thus, it is possible to track which client came with in traffic logs.
Last updated