Regular Payments
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An TPP may retrieve the account beneficiaries’ information resource for a specific AccountId (GET /accounts/{AccountId}/beneficiaries) or bulk (GET /beneficiaries). For bulk, an endpoint can retrieve the beneficiaries’ resources for all authorized accounts. ApiGo supports ReadBeneficiariesDetail permission, but do not overlook that ASPSP may not provide beneficiaries for an account (AccountId).
After the consent has been approved, TPP can call an account information service to reach beneficiaries’ details. As mentioned before, account information services need to be called with the token, taken with the authorization code. The TPP’s request will be responded with the body, which includes account basics and details.
With ApiGo, ASPSP can serve the standing-order resource for a specific AccountId (/accounts/{AccountId}/standing-orders) or as bulk (/standing-orders). An TPP may optionally retrieve the standing-order resources in bulk or an account.
Standing Order endpoint provides details of creditor account information (name, sort code, account, SO Info, frequency, creditor reference info, first/next/final payment info).
ApiGo users can provide an endpoint for TPPs to retrieve the direct-debits for a specific account identified by AccountId (/accounts/{AccountId}/direct-debits). With ApiGo, ApiGo may provide this endpoint for TPPs to retrieve direct debits for all accounts that the PSU has consented to. The TPP will be responded with the direct-debit resources for all authorized accounts.
There is a sample request and response body for a direct debit endpoint that provides details of PSU’s direct debits includes mandate info, status, name, previous payment information.