
Creation Date: 06.03.2023

Test Automation

101650 - Automation of payment order consent request body controls

Ensuring the automation of the body controls of the Payment Order Consent request

101649 - Account Consent request automate body controls

Automation of body controls for Account Consent request

101648 - Required header controls for payment order consent, payment order transactions and account transactions

Improvements have been made for header controls required for payment order consent, payment order transactions and account transactions.

97369 - Ability to check x-jwt-signature in POST methods in test automation project

In the test automation project, development has been made to control the x-jwt-signature in POST methods.

Package Management

66873 - Development of cron job that calculates Tenant Usage Logs table

The development of the cron job that calculates the Tenant Usage Logs table has been provided.

66885 - Preparation of usage reports menu and page structure for Tenant Admin user

Usage reports menu and page structure are prepared for Tenant Admin user.

Account Information Service

101657 - Analyzing how to validate the responses of account services provided by the bank

The analysis of how to validate the responses of the account services provided by the bank has been made.


97372 - Adding the newly added features to the Bank Integration Services field to the Test Config function

New features added to the Bank Integration Services field have been added to the Test Config function.

102296 - Performing capitalized signature check in x-signature check

In the x-signature control, it is ensured that the signature control, which is produced in capital letters, is made.


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